Monday 4 June 2007

South bound at the Perak rest area..

iason "boss, kasi 2 kilo mangga tu~" (give me 2 kilos of that mango)
hawker "boleh, u nak 3 ke 1?" (sure, u'd like 3 or 1?)
iason "huh?"
hawker "kari ade 3 rasa, mangga pun ada mah~" (there is a 3 flavored curry, so mango also got ma)
iason "huh?" *by this time I was.. wtf?!*
hawker "sini ade 3 jenis lah, ni.. ni.. ni.." (there are 3 types here, this.. this.. this..)
iason "ohhh cham la~" (ohhh mix please)

RM9 for 2 kilos, 7 luvly juicy mangoes.

This row of mangoes looked the same to me.


Vilves said...

I know this rest area.. It is at Tapah. Last month, we stop and bought some manggoes as well.. Yucks.. sourish !!

Jason said...

haha! the previous time, I got a bunch of mangoes which the fler told me was sweeet, that never ripen! Literally, they stayed green even after a few days. In the end we made some pickle out of it haha!

This time the one I got from this 3 rasa was really really nice, especially the smaller ones.. slurp~