Monday 7 May 2007

Commitment to your work

Last Thursday, I was supposed to be on night shift, it was around 4:30pm just as I was about to take my afternoon nap, when my mobile rang. My ailing grandpa asked for me. He has been in the hospital for nearly a week now. Took a quick shower, packed my bag and I was on a 400KMs journey up north to Bukit Mertajam, Penang.

By the time things were settled, I got back to gramp's place and logged on to the Shell network. It was near 12a.m. I ain't provided a laptop, so I used mine with MOP (Mobile Office Private) installed. Why? I was handling a ticket the night before and I was really curious of the progress.

My guess was right, it was a global interruption. Unfortunately nothing was really done until my team was in. I was there online from Penang assisting my team mate until everything was well. It was 4a.m. Time for me to rest.

I'm on daily rate, a day off n I dun get paid. What is it that drives us to feel the sense of responsibility? To feel the sense of ownership? Some will tell u it's just work and it ain't worth a dime more.

Excerpt from an email, a colleague that has guided me more than a few times.

skill (and maybe more importantly commitment) comes fist...

Commitment to your work. That is one of the many factors that separate some from the rest.


Vilves said...

Im rather surprised when I received email from you. YES !! The only person whom knows what is going on is really you. I appreciated your help very much. Your dedication, spirit & responsiveness will be paid off one day.

Jason said...

this fella up there with the 1st comment's my Shift Lead!!! :-D